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#Fate of The Empress Guide: Ultimate Guide on How to do Gems

Updated: Nov 21, 2022

Author: Jiodi

Last update: 2022, October 16th

One question I see asked a lot is “where is the gem guide?” My response is usually to point at several other guides and say “some is in here and there and there”. So let’s just get this done in one spot so people don’t have to go on a whole adventure to learn to do gems in Fate of The Empress.

I. Meet the Gang

The different colors for gems apply different stats to your gear. Let’s check each gem and talk about who wants it first. This is a really quick visual description.

DMG RES - This gem provides extra dmg resist. It helps your hero resist damage.

ACCURACY - This gem provides extra accuracy. It helps your accuracy-based attacks land easier.

AGILITY - This gem increases the hero’s agility, or combat speed. These are some of the rarest and most useful gems to have.

ATTACK - This gem increases the attack stat. It’s a good stat to increase if you want to at any point do some damage.

CRIT - This gem increases the critical hit rate. You want to crit, it does more damage when you crit.

DAMAGE INCREASE - This gem increases the damage you do after attack and defense are calculated.

RESISTANCE - This gem increases the resistance stat. It reduces the enemy’s ability to land critical hits.

EVASION - This gem increases the evasion stat. It reduces the accuracy stat of an enemy.

II. How to do a gem inlay

You have a pile of gems, so what do you do with them? It’s pretty easy! They go in your gears, which can fit 1-4 gems based on rarity and level. To do that, head over to the ‘Gears’ tab, then hit the ‘Inlay’ button.

You can then add one of those shiny gems discussed above into one of the gem slots. You can only use one gem of the same stat per gear. This means You can’t put 4 agility gems on your boots.

Gems come in varying degrees of strength, level 1 through 9 (9 being the strongest, 1 being the weakest). You can see a breakdown of the gem values here - my little gem data worksheet for calculating stats. Generally, level 6 and higher for every gem but evasion and accuracy is the lowest you want to go, lvl 5 if you’re on a budget (or merge gems every five minutes like I do). Accuracy and evasion gems can go as low as lvl 4 and still be alright (though for serious play you want lvl 7 accuracy and agility). So you’ve got all these lvl 1,2,and 3 gems laying around but they suck as stated above so what do you do with them? You smoosh em together to make a bigger gem!

III. Smooshing Gems Together

Under the inlay tab there is the Fuse tab. Click there and you get three gray circles in a circle around another gray circle. Here you can put three gems of the same type and level into the circles and create one gem of one level higher than the ones you sacrificed. So three lvl 3 gems makes a lvl 4 gem and so on.

It tells you the stat value of the higher gem which is ok. Too bad it doesn't easily tell you the values of the ones you're sacrificing, because that will become important later. Hit the Fuse button and you have your sweet new gem.

IV. Who do I put these gems on?

Your heroes, silly! For real though, in a lot of my other guides I give specific suggestions for how to gem your dudes, so here I will give the general guidelines for gemming heroes based on their role. I will put the most important stats in bold.

Fast Single Target Nuke: AGI/ATK/CRIT/DMG+/RES/EVA

Slow Single Target Nuke: ATK/CRIT/DMG+/RES/EVA/DMGRES






Slow Debuff Support: ACC/EVA/RES/DMG RES/DEF/HP/All others

Fast Buff Support: AGI/EVA/RES/HP/DEF/DMGRES/All others

Slow Buff Support: EVA/RES/HP/DEF/DMGRES/All others

Fast Healer: AGI/EVA/{heal stat}/RES/HP/DEF/DMGRES/All others

Slow Healer: EVA/{heal stat}/RES/HP/DEF/DMGRES/All others

Fast Tank: AGI/DMGRES/DEF/HP/RES/EVA/All others

Slow Tank: DMGRES/DEF/HP/RES/EVA/All others

*{heal stat} - Healing can be HP based or ATK based. Make sure to check which stat your hero uses to heal and use the corresponding gem.

V. Some general tips and tricks for gem inlay

  • Use the same gem types for all slots if possible.

    • This maximizes the stats you want to increase, try to make sure the priority stats are able to fill up as many gears as possible. So, 7 gems per person for priority gems.

  • Prioritize filling slots over fusing up.

    • Fusing three gems to make a better gem isn’t always a good idea. I know I do all the time but I shouldn’t. A level 2 gem with two open gem slots is far less than 3 level 1 gems filling all three slots. Try to save fusing for when you have filled gem slots.

  • Use res gems when you don’t have a lot of slots for other defensive gems

    • Res gems help prevent getting a crit boot to the face. When your hero is running a bunch of crit/dmg+/atk gems it might be hard to find room for solid defensive gems. Res is the best bang for your buck here, as it helps prevent the most devastating of attacks - crits, which will chew through you otherwise.

  • Do not underestimate eva gems!

    • With Mi Yue stalking the battlefield you absolutely *must* run evasion gems if you want to take her on. Evasion is the only thing that can really help protect you from those super op docs that like to confuse, stun, confine, etc you. Whenever possible, if there is a free gem slot and you have the eva gems, slam those bad boys in there.

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