Last update: 2023/10/30
Author: Not A Snack
TL;dr: Heir jewelry is great for increasing specific attributes. If you're a whale, aim to get perfect base godly jewelry i.e. jewelry with 100 enhances available. They glow, they are shiny. Then hoard a ton of rubies and reforge stones because you're going to need a lot of them. If you're a low to mid-spender, aim to get yellow gems on your jewelry as you minimally need yellow quality gems to enjoy jewelry perks. For F2P players, get a whale partner.
10 enhances = 1 gem/tier. The quality of the gem is determined by the lowest enhance of the 10 enhances done for that specific tier.
If you aren't satisfied with the enhance, you use a reforge stone to reforge that level of enhance only. Reforge is essentially resetting the enhance.
I. Types of Jewelry
Each heir can equip 5 pieces of jewelry and each piece has basic stats - Team HP, Team ATK, Team DEF and different special stats:
Tiara - Team CRIT DMG and Team CRIT RES
Wisdom Pendant - Team DMG Buff and Team DMG RES
Begonia Belt - Team CRIT and Team RES
Virtue Bracelet - Team ACC and Team EVA
Royal Necklace - Team AGI and Heir AGI
Like most other items in FOTE, there are different tiers of heir jewelry - elite/purple, yellow/epic, fabled/red, godly/pink. Each tier of jewelry comes in a range of base stats or base enhances available.
II. Mechanics of Enhance
It's simple enough, you go to the enhance tab and click enhance. There's a range of stats you can gain from each enhance. Godly jewelry requires 12 rubies per enhance while fabled requires 9.
The jewelry selected for enhance.
The current number of enhances (more will be explained in What is a Perfect Base Jewelry?)
The remaining number of enhances.
The number of enhances to get a guaranteed pink/perfect enhance.
The number of enhances needed for the next tier or to get a gem.
You can get a range of special stats with each enhance. The range can be viewed by selecting the ? beside the stats in the Enhance tab. Each enhance level has different qualities - elite/purple, epic/yellow, fabled/red, godly/pink. If the goal is to get the perfect best in slot jewelry, each enhance should be pink. If you aren't happy with the enhance, you can reforge it.
Reforging essentially resets the bad enhance, so your might will always drop when you reforge (don't panic, it is only temporary). Keep enhancing and reforging until you are satisfied with the outcome.
Oh no, what if you messed up and had a terrible enhance at level 3 and now you're at enhance level 9? If you somehow come across a whole load of rubies and reforge stones and have bad, you can reforge multiple enhances to get rid of it.
Pity System
You are a whale and you want perfection. You'd be pleased to know that there is some sort of pity system. At the bottom of the enhance screen, you can see the number of enhance times required before getting a guaranteed pink enhance (every 30 btw). 1 ruby is 200 ingots from the shop or you can get 100 rubies for USD15.99. I'll let you do the math for perfection.
Every 10 enhances, you get a tier-up or a gem. The quality of the gem is determined by the quality of the lowest 10 enhances done for that tier so that means you can have gems of different qualities on each piece of jewelry.
If you or your partner is a spender, I recommend at least aiming for yellow/epic quality gems as that is the minimum required for unlocking jewelry perks.
What is a Perfect Base Jewelry?
A perfect base jewelry is required to get the best stats available. A perfect base godly jewelry has 100 enhances available. There will be a certain shine or glow animation when you view it as shown in the pic below.
What if you use non-perfect base jewelry? In the image below, you can see that non-perfect jewelry already has enhances done. These enhances aren't perfect, and you cannot reforge them so that means that the tier 1 gem will most likely be a purple/yellow quality gem. In the image below, it shows that there are 6 enhances done even though this is a clean and brand new piece of jewelry fresh out of the box.
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