Author: Linkai
Last Update: 2023, January 31st
Planning Cross-Server Guild War in Fate of The Empress is a complicated process and you will learn and gain more experience time after time. I always say Guild War is a game of 50% Might, 30% Plan, and 20% Luck.
And even if your opponent guild has 7 members who can beat everyone in your guild, but hey don't give up yet! There's a chance they will underestimate you if that happens and will leave their teams as default, and you can bet everything you have on that 1 chance, plan 1 formation only to beat that default formation.
If this is your first few times playing Guild War, it will be a very fun chess game. But if you have played it for 18 months like me, you will want to vomit every time you see it. This guild will give you a Basic guide on how to plan your team formation.
(But if they have 8 players who can beat you, give up lah)
Guild War Simulator is here.
I. Date and Time
II. Overview Rule
III. Planning the Guild War team (Basic)
IV. Do and Don't
V. How to distribute your loot reward
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