Author: Linkai Credit for the list of Serendipity: Linkai, Alethea, SEA-S86 Syalalla, SEA-S86 Annalise.
Updated: 2024/05/11
Update 2024/05/11: Add the example video for serendipity "Dark Shadow 孤影阴云"
Update 2024/05/10: The serendipity "Rainy Memory" CANNOT be triggered during the time 00:00~08:00AM. I added the timing and video when I got it into the guide. Please refer.
Update 2024/05/09: I added the Chinese names into the Serendipity lists and maps.
Update 2024/05/08: The Serendipity "Resonant Minds" is achieved by attending the "Floral Riddles" (The couple one) in the "Entwined Love" and answer 5 or 6 correctly.
Deer Pasture is another overwhelming and confusing in Fate of The Empress that lasts for another month. You might wanna faint the first time you open the event menu. But don't worry, we will go through each section of the event here and I will note what you need to pay attention to do every day.
This guide will also contain what everyone is looking for: The full list of all Serendipity triggers, including all the missing ones in the quick guides being shared around.
I. Event Story and Past Dream
II. Side Quests and Anecdotes
III. Serendipity - List of all triggers
IV. Curio Box - More achievements
V. Entwined Love - Daily quests with your Lover
VI. Meet Again - NPC Affection
VII. Deer's Call
VIII. Weekly Bonus
IX. Event Shop - Be Careful! You might miss this!!!
Bonus: Quick Look at the Flora Love event
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